Review of the Year 2020

Review of the year 2020

As 2020 is coming to an end, it is now time to go over the past 12 months – a common reflection that is even more essential in 2020 since the world is still facing peculiar times. The pandemic has affected us all, but also tried out our capacity to adapt, our resilience and resourcefulness. It is, therefore, even more important to highlight our teams’ resilience.

In this post, we would like to focus on this year’s achievements which have been made possible thanks to the involvement and devotion of all 3DS OUTSCALE’s talents and those of our ecosystem.


1. The ActForLife solidarity initiative

As part of 3DS OUTSCALE’s CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) process and with respect to our ISO 26000 certification, we are committed to a responsible technology. This is why, from the COVID-19 breakout in April, we took the decision to support our corporate ecosystem and private and public organizations with our collective and responsible initiative: #ActForLife.

Opendatasoft, IceBoard, Jamespot, Satelliz, Scalingo and Dassault Systèmes came together and made available their solutions hosted on the 3DS OUTSCALE Cloud to public and private organizations, but also citizens – free of charge. This made it possible for solidarity projects to see daylight, such as the platform of the “Réserve Civique” in only 4 days thanks to the involvement of the Scalingo teams!

We should also mention the efforts of the Outscalians who volunteered and offered their help and expertise – our Data Scientists, Technical Account Managers, Cybersecurity and Information Systems Architecture experts, but also the project management and communication teams.


2. GAIA-X: Launch of the European Cloud platform

3DS OUTSCALE is part of the 22 founding members of the GAIA-X sovereign initiative. Back in September 2020, all members initiated the creation of GAIA-X AISBL (association without lucrative purpose), which aims at developing a Cloud computing offer at the European level. The member companies will have to comply with the frame of reference which defines the requirements with respect to the values that we all share: sovereignty, transparency, interoperability and trust.

The GAIA-X community is now composed of 180 members. Working groups, to which 3DS OUTSCALE takes part, have also been created. These groups revolve around strategic topics such as agricultural or spatial data sovereignty. The GAIA-X project, which has been imagined by about 20 committed stakeholders only a few months ago, is now certainly launched.


3. 3DS OUTSCALE has turned 10!

3DS OUTSCALE celebrated its 10th anniversary on October 22, 2020. It is with great pride that we reflect on the company’s journey, whose creation was motivated by the ambition to suggest an alternative to the GAFAM companies, and offer French and European companies a sovereign and secure Cloud infrastructure – an idea made concrete by a pioneer. For more information about the other ambitions and reasons that made success happen, watch this interview of Laurent Seror, founder and CEO, and Servane Augier, COO, filmed for the occasion.

Not only we took the opportunity to reflect on the past years, key events and upcoming challenges, but we also tried to pay homage to the experts who played their part or who are still contributing to the evolution of 3DS OUTSCALE. For more information, see this timeline which traces back the key steps of the evolution of 3DS OUTSCALE during the last decade.


4. A new SecNumCloud-qualified region

There was more good news that we’ve been proud to share this year: the launch of our second SecNumCloud region which was qualified by the ANSSI (National Cybersecurity Agency of France).

In response to a growing number of demands following the successful deployment of the first SecNumCloud-qualified region in France, 3DS OUTSCALE strengthened its perimeter by inaugurating this new region, one year only after the first Cloud infrastructure obtained this qualification. The deployment of this new region will allow our customers to access a second Cloud infrastructure entirely independent from the first one, which also holds the same certifications (ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018 and HDS). Our certifications and qualifications are part of our commitments and therefore reinforce our position as the fully trusted Cloud.

Today, 3DS OUTSCALE still is the only Cloud infrastructure with two SecNumCloud-qualified regions.

5. The launch of Outscale Object Storage (OOS)

Last but not least, we were pleased to announce the launch of our new object storage service: Outscale Object Storage (OOS), a resilient and secure storage service dedicated to large volumes of data.

Our goal was to allow the management of large volumes of unstructured data of different types such as text or multimedia files, websites, or web applications, by easily accessing them from the Internet through HTTPS protocol and via API REST requests.  Interoperability being a very important value to us, OOS is compatible with standard APIs available on the market in order to facilitate its use with standard tools such as Cyberduck or S3cmd. Data coexist without hierarchy and are stored as objects with a unique access – they can be retrieved at any time. OOS also simplifies the management of your resources, especially in cases where they are replicated several times in the Cloud.

Thanks to our teams’ commitments as well as those of the teams of our reliable partner Scality, by providing us their RING solution, we can offer our customers a storage service based on a sovereign and scalable infrastructure available in all our regions, including our SecNumCloud and HDS certified regions. For more information, see the dedicated page or talk it over with one of our experts.

A very challenging year when resilience and innovation have been our key words.

Join us in 2021 in building the world of tomorrow!

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