Why Transition Your Cloud Platform to a Kubernetes Architecture ?

by Anthony Colas

Kubernetes, often abbreviated as “K8s,” is an open-source technology that orchestrates application containers on a Cloud platform. Its growing success has won over many IT decision-makers.

In 2022, approximately 5.6 million developers were using Kubernetes, marking a 67% increase compared to 2021 (source: Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)).

The Kubernetes (K8s) market is expected to experience exceptional growth between 2024 and 2031, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.8%. This substantial increase is anticipated to bring the market value to $1.96 billion by 2031 (source: Global Market Trend).

Compatible with a variety of containerisation technologies and suited to all types of Cloud infrastructures (public, private, or hybrid), Kubernetes is widely recognised as the ideal system for hosting demanding application platforms.

Here are the main reasons our clients have been convinced to use a Kubernetes-based architecture:


1. Smooth Production and Deployment

Using Kubernetes as a container orchestrator, several processes are fully automated: restarting application instances in case of issues, automatic load distribution, and autoscaling (see point 2 below). These features ensure a streamlined production process and a stable Cloud platform.

Deployments also become more reliable. Kubernetes is compatible with the GitOps methodology, an automation method based on a single source of truth within a Git repository. This allows technical and DevOps teams to increase the frequency of software and application deployment cycles while reducing risks associated with human error.


2. Automatic Cloud Resource Scaling

Any Cloud platform must be able to rapidly adapt to changes and scaling needs while remaining performant and functional.

Kubernetes excels in this area with its automatic Cloud resource scaling, or “autoscaling.” By monitoring resource usage, Kubernetes automatically adjusts the level of resources needed for each container in real time, whether increasing or decreasing, without service interruption.

For instance, to prevent application overload, Kubernetes can deploy new container instances, new nodes (cluster instances), or new pods, if pre-configured. This is known as horizontal autoscaling: Kubernetes adds replicas to offload overburdened pods.

Vertical autoscaling is also possible by automatically increasing resources (CPU, RAM) within an existing pod.

This automatic adjustment of resources based on load and overall Cloud platform usage contributes to its stability and financial optimisation. Cloud platform optimisation is thus driven by either budget or performance, aiming to find the right performance/cost balance.


3. Fine-Grained Resource Distribution within the Platform

Kubernetes enables optimal use of intrinsic resources within the Cloud platform. Each instance or node is used to its fullest to support pods and containers, which are themselves resource-efficient. Kubernetes intelligently distributes these elements across nodes to avoid “waste.”

For example, the “Persistent Volumes” technology allows for the automatic movement of a pod from one node to another within the cluster, along with all associated data. This fine orchestration also contributes to overall financial optimisation.


4. Independence from Cloud Providers

Under Kubernetes, the resource configuration files for the Cloud platform are defined within Kubernetes, almost independently of the underlying provider infrastructure. Only a thin technical layer of adherence exists between Kubernetes and the Cloud provider. Thus, reversibility—transitioning from one Cloud provider to another—is facilitated.

In practical terms, a Kubernetes-based platform is compatible with all types of Cloud hosting modes (public, private, and hybrid) and with any Cloud provider. This creates new business opportunities for digital companies, offering freedom and independence from their Cloud provider: painless reversibility and migration, facilitated multi-cloud use, industrialisation of Cloud zones, etc.


In conclusion

Kubernetes is a comprehensive system, rich in automation features, which reduces human risk in platform management, optimises resources at all levels, and generally provides great stability and automatic scaling of the platform while also offering cost optimisation.

Of course, all this functionality is only possible with precise administration of the Cloud platform under Kubernetes, which, more than any other technology, requires numerous technical profiles covering all hosting areas: networking, systems, security, and development.

To benefit from Kubernetes’ advantages and automation, one must be capable of managing Kubernetes from the outset with a comprehensive view of the technical project.

Contact us to find out how Kubernetes by OUTSCALE makes your application deployments simpler.

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